The Spaceship Homebase
I have loved the idea from the beginning. Instead of a typical main-menu you spawn in your own large spaceship from where you can select missions, build drones, build arenas and maybe even join a party with friends (effectivly entering their spaceship) to play in matches together. There are a few more things said about it in the strechgoals section on the main website, if you haven't read it yet (highly recommend checking it out anyways).
Now I have said this a couple of times: I think having the spaceship now would be increadably helpful to show new players that the game is in developement and what is to come.
At the time of this post the Arena Builder has not yet been implemented into the main build. It's a seperate build where you can test it, but its increadibly outdated (yet very fun). Having a sign at the place in the spaceship, where the arena-builder would be, that says "coming soon" or "work in progress", that would be helpful.
There is probably a few other things about it that would help aswell, but I can also see why the spaceship should NOT be implemented/worked on yet. There are more important features that need to be implemented and I want your oppinion on this topic. How important is the Spaceship Homebase to you and when do you feel like it should be in the game. I think it should be there before the Arena Editor gets ported into the main build.
The Spaceship is such a nice medium to build upon. Signs could advertise updates and new weapons, and it gives a nice overview of all the features.
I hope the devs still want this to be a thing at all. Would be nice to see their take on the situation aswell.
Kind regards,
You also have to remember that the spaceship should be quick to navigate for getting into a match. If for going to play you have to be 5 min sloging through menus and seeing spaceship customizations and such, it's 5min less of filling up lobbies. The cool stuff should be put to the side for the avg user that only wants to play the game